Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The key to my heart

Im not typical in any sense of the word...i dont like what every other girl likes...guys dont get that..they mean well but they dont get me...I like funky music and i like offbeat movies... The key to my heart lies is flowers....I dont like red roses...i think they are cliche and cheesey and not at all original or meaningful..they are easy..I have stated many a time before that i will know thatim supposed to be with someone if they bring me Peonies...white and pink peonies....they are the key to my heart....they are hard to get like me....they are not typical like me and they are beautiful in their own way like me...


I grew up catholic. I went to catacism..was comunionized..confirmed ..all the hoopla..i went to confession as a kid...alli could ever say was that i fought with my brother and didnt clean my room..i never had the guts to say "i dont believe any of this"..im following in carlos' footsteps and confessing the mess that was my eating this weekend and up until last night....my nice turned 1 saturday and the party was at our house..like all parties our family has..the menu was Hawaiian food..bbq chicken thighs and katsu chicken..i did ok with it but my aunts pink lemonade cupcakes killed me..i ate 2 ..sunday i ate more hawaiian leftovers..same on monday ..finally i had to toss it all away to save myself..i also tossed allll of the cupcakes and orgasmic bread...i even slathered it all in dish soap as to discourage myself from one last bite.....why do we do this when we know it isnt healthy for us!?...im gonna gain this week...im ok with that because thursday starts a new week!

Before..and now

so many people have asked me to post my starting picture and where i am now

so here oges..the first pic was taken in september 07...3 months beofre starting ww and teh second was taken this past friday at my cousin jessicas nursing graduation...9 months apart...i dont really see any difference..maybe thats just me..i mean it is 71 lbs different

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


When June rolls around each year i am busy every weekend...either graduations or concerts or parties...this past weekend was MAGIC....me and the besties went to BFD ..a music festival put on my a local radio station....we had a blast and a half...we saw bands we love and dj's we adore including the ever popular DJ AM...who was amazing...and we got to see SANTOGOLD who bythe way loved us because we knew all the words and most everyone didnt

but to give you a glimpse into our craziness im gonna post another weekend review

This weekend:
- I made you guys go to BFD at noon “I know I'm the devil”
- jess not knowing how to use the sink!
- People Watching outside of the bathroom
- Pondering how some couples get together “all day every day”
- The creepy jewelry guy hitting on jess
- Our running tally…”Five count em five”
- We shook Hands with Senor Death Grip
- We lost you…. And we of course found each other at the bar!
- “have you read of mice and men…”yea”…well men of mice is the sequel…”really?” “
- You telling us whole heartedly “I lick balls…only if their shaved though”
- Yard long Margaritas
- My face when the guy from Atreyu took his shirt off!
- You wanting to shank “shamu” guy in the neck
- You and Natalie doing the Irish jig to Flogging Molly
- Dancing in the pit to the Cure!
- All three of us danced with an Irish guy with a FRO! While my future husband Steve Aoki played the fucking sickest set ever!!
- Kissy face photo shoot
- We seriously danced harder than ever…and we are paying for it now
- Fighting our way to the front for DJ.AM and giving him all we had on that dance floor
- Gunz blazin when AM played paper planes
- SANTOGOLD!!!!!...she so loved us!
- I pulled some biatches hair and Jessica almost whooped her ass…we got ya back babe!
- Brooklyn style with a nor-cal tattoo…NUFF SAID!!
- Some guy grabbed ya booty
- Sunburn
-We got separated…I biffed it. Got accosted by a chick on E. who was trying to steal your phone…and found each other to my great relief!
- 7.00 hot dogs, 13.00 margaritas, 9.00 shots…..Spending the day at BFD with the besties PRICELESS!!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Oh what a weekend it was

First and Foremost....SATC was one of teh best movies ev-er!! loved it and loved the experience of seeing it with my girls!...I guess this weekend would best be described the way it was said to me in a comment from my besties on my myspace page
"THIS WEEKEND: - Debbie “downer” reminded us of the consequences of driving while texting!- We saw Sex and the City – the fun-est movie I’ve ever been to! - Illegally smuggled cosmos into the movie theater! - We were the only ones laughing at a uncircumcised dick and the word mazel tov- Some bitch tried to get hyphy with me in the “family lounge” - Being harassed by some hoodlum in front of Cheesecake Factory! - Sat down in a circle in serious discussion. i.e. “you can’t make no fur coat out of no spider!” - I freaked out about Phoebe - You laughing like Pat from SNL! - Watching taxi cab confessions and saw a Muppet version of Jeremy! - Grabbing some breakfast in our PJ’s, and later found out Jessica was jealous I had more hash browns then her. - Getting hot listening to Jessica stories while reading Hungry Girl! - To end the perfect weekend watching Ghost World. “This is so bad it's gone past good and back to bad again.” I LOVE US!!!!! "
Well guess what girl I LOVE US TOO!